articles (1-10 / 15)
Port state control: pre-notification period for higher risk vessels set to be dropped
Operators have been re-flagging to avoid Paris MoU ban
EMSA 'procuring drones for ships emissions inspections'
European Commission verifying transposition of EU sulphur Directive
Sulphur fuel non-compliance running at 6%; officials struggling to impose criminal sanctions
Ship waste: Brussels 'moving towards risk-based port state control inspections'
SECA states discuss low-sulphur fuel 'margin of error'; non-availability; opening up THETIS module to third countries
Sulphur: ESSF considering new IMO submissions; little progress on retrofit fund
SECA enforcement: will use of new THETIS module be mandatory?
SECA enforcement: 'risk-based' inspection regime will not begin on January 1
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