articles (1-10 / 215)

EC asks for more 'exceptional' powers for passenger shipping

June 8, 2024 (20:26) IMO passenger shipping

EU institutions heading for agreement on ro-pax stability requirements

March 21, 2023 (12:05) IMO passenger shipping shipbuilding

EC invites comments on Fred Olsen Canary Islands monopoly

Industry turning against hydrogen as alternative fuel

June 16, 2021 (12:04) emissions passenger shipping methanol

After Italy, France props up passenger operators with Euro 23 million subsidy scheme

June 11, 2021 (12:57) passenger shipping France virus

Covid: Italy to pump Euro 20 million into passenger terminal operators to prevent bankruptcies

May 18, 2021 (15:45) passenger shipping Italy virus

Covid passport fragmentation threatens ferry industry's hopes of saving the summer season

April 29, 2021 (13:58) passenger shipping virus

Italy: European Commission bats back complaint about service reductions to Aegadian islands

April 27, 2021 (13:25) passenger shipping Italy virus

Italy to compensate coastal operators for Covid losses

April 16, 2021 (13:37) passenger shipping Italy

Irish Ferries likely to lose European Court challenge; consequences for passenger shipping could be costly

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