articles (1-10 / 19)
Technical moratorium extended, but EU and CCNR on track to align regulation 'by October 2018'
Inland waterways: Brussels law-makers debate Union certificates, mutual recognition, frequency of medical fitness checks
Brussels believes introduction of 'River Speak' would improve safety, worker mobility on inland waterways
New EU/ CCNR inland waterway committee to adopt LNG propulsion standards
Emissions: barge-owner lobbying seen likely to amend non-road mobile machinery law
Inland waterways: Brussels institutions lay groundwork for new standards committee
*updated* Inland waterways: industry set to access Euro 35 million reserve funds
Europe's barge owners urge Brussels not to impose new emissions standards on existing engines
Europe's LNG bunkering rules 'should be legally binding'
Inland waterways: Brussels moves to complete harmonisation of vessel identification numbers
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