articles (71-80 / 132)
Draft security rules show European Commission fails to grasp term 'consignee', say container lines
European Commission appoints trustee to monitor CSAV/ Hapag-Lloyd merger
Maersk unhappy with Brussels conditions for CSAV / Hapag-Lloyd merger
CSAV to withdraw from two consortia as price for Brussels approval of Hapag-Lloyd merger
Hapag-Lloyd / CSAV submit 'commitments' to Brussels in bid for regulatory approval
*updated* Brussels invites comment on CSAV / Hapag-Lloyd 'concentration'
Maersk et al negotiating IACS-style commitments with DG COMP?
P3 EC approval story 'possibly designed to put pressure on China'
UK pushed liner antitrust exemption, Jones Act ahead of TTIP talks; Malta raised superyacht 'problem'
*updated* Brussels on P3: no competition probe
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