articles (61-70 / 356)

Law-makers congratulate each other on port services deal though Knut Fleckenstein warns 'it's now up to DG COMP'

June 28, 2016 (15:26) European Commission ports state aid

Brussels appoints trustees to oversee CMA CGM / NOL commitments

Is Euro MP Knut Fleckenstein seeking to protect Hamburg port concession model?

June 7, 2016 (13:44) European Commission ports state aid

Nerves fray as Malta tonnage tax probe approaches four-year anniversary

May 26, 2016 (11:42) European Commission state aid DG COMP

Greece gives DG COMP a huge translation job as positions harden in tonnage tax probe

May 26, 2016 (11:18) European Commission state aid DG COMP

Brussels approves CMA CGM / NOL takeover

DG COMP 'understaffing' holding up maritime state aid decisions

April 19, 2016 (13:06) European Commission state aid DG COMP

Why is Cyprus not overwhelmed with refugees?

April 7, 2016 (12:50) European Commission DG COMP taxation

French port tax exemptions are 'outdated' and must end, insists European Commission

April 1, 2016 (13:02) European Commission ports DG COMP

COMMENT: Stand by for more flagging out from European registers

March 28, 2016 (20:32) European Commission DG COMP
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