articles (51-60 / 138)
Pandemic contingency: EU ministers discussed designation of 'essential' ports and pilotage services, harmonised crew change rules
'So-called' refugees on Italy's quarantine ferries could have been funded by the EU
*updated* EU recommendation: no quarantine for seafarers
Crewing crisis: onboard COVID outbreaks on 'marked upward trend'
Crewing: EC wants to take virus crisis competence away from national capitals
France to propose MLC amendment requiring reporting of seafarers who have worked beyond contract duration
Crew change crisis: stranded seafarers 'now number almost 400,000'
Crewing crisis: European Commission adopts 300,000 stranded crew figure
Norway prolongs border controls until at least mid-October
Headed for huge loss, Brittany Ferries 'in fight for survival'
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