articles (51-60 / 191)
Brexit: no concern in Brussels about exclusion of UK seafarer certificate-holders
Brexit: Dutch shippers advised to avoid Felixstowe transshipment 'to minimise damage'
Brexit: EU recognition of UK seafaring certificates 'may take some time' in event of no deal
Brexit: EC warns of risk of border Customs queues
Brexit: UK Government warns carriers to prepare for exit and entry summary declarations
EU's dwindling offshore oil and gas production set for big post-Brexit drop
Brexit: Brussels plans to cut UK ports from Connecting Europe Facility and replace them with ports in Belgium, the Netherlands
Hungary, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic and the UK warned on flag state quality
Channel Customs authorities ramping up for hard Brexit as UK negotiators struggle for unity
Brexit: tourism industry fears breakdown in VAT settlements; Spanish region eyes impact on Gibraltar
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