articles (51-60 / 98)

Loss of propulsion incidents expected to jump in busy English Channel at New Year fuel switchover

November 27, 2014 (15:09) emissions sulphur ESSF

Sulphur: at least five coastal states will use 'sniffer' technology and handheld fuel analysis kits

November 27, 2014 (14:09) emissions sulphur ESSF

No ESSF retrofit fund proposal before mid-2015

November 25, 2014 (15:50) emissions ESSF TEN-T

Updated list of European scrubber washwater discharge bans

November 24, 2014 (15:11) emissions IMO sulphur

Overworked, stressed out DG Environment struggling with sulphur Directive implementation

November 10, 2014 (15:48) European Commission emissions sulphur

Royal Caribbean briefs Brussels on sulphur compliance, calls for caustic soda guidance

November 10, 2014 (15:25) emissions sulphur marine equipment

ESSF subgroup members moan about cost

October 29, 2014 (17:28) European Commission emissions sulphur

Ship waste: EMSA gives first glimpse of guidelines as European Commission re-starts Directive revision

October 23, 2014 (14:59) European Commission DG MOVE EMSA

Sulphur: ESSF considering new IMO submissions; little progress on retrofit fund

September 17, 2014 (15:41) European Commission emissions IMO

European states push standardised LNG bunker delivery note in IMO

September 17, 2014 (13:57) IMO LNG ESSF
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