articles (41-50 / 150)

France battles for derogation from aluminium ship safety law

October 19, 2016 (11:34) shipbuilding France

EC highlights worrying understaffing at Portuguese maritime administration, but isn't Brussels at least partly to blame?

Shipbuilding: France alone in opposing aluminium equivalency proposal

September 15, 2016 (15:41) passenger shipping shipbuilding France

Spain, France made last minute push for port services Regulation amendments

August 29, 2016 (15:33) ports France Spain

Brussels opens in-depth probes into French, Belgian port corporate tax exemptions

July 8, 2016 (13:24) European Commission ports state aid

Aluminium ship equivalency legislation is largely a French problem

France reintroduces sea border controls until late July

June 1, 2016 (15:39) ports France denmark

France raises shipbuilding guarantee ceiling to Euro 3 billion on back of cruise newbuild orders

May 18, 2016 (12:52) shipbuilding France

French port tax exemptions are 'outdated' and must end, insists European Commission

April 1, 2016 (13:02) European Commission ports DG COMP

Reform of French strategic reserves law unlikely to arrest decline of domestic tanker operators

March 18, 2016 (13:08) France armateurs de france
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