articles (421-430 / 1016)

Greek owners call for easing of CO2 reduction targets

June 8, 2018 (14:58) emissions IMO Union of Greek Sh...

Spare a thought for the US diplomats who implement Trump IMO policy

June 6, 2018 (11:07) emissions IMO US

Emissions trading back on EC agenda

June 5, 2018 (12:01) European Commission emissions IMO

MRV alignment proposal could fall victim of European elections

June 1, 2018 (14:35) European Commission emissions DG MOVE

Open registers facing uphill push for delay to global low-sulphur enforcement

May 30, 2018 (14:31) emissions IMO sulphur

Low-sulphur compliance: EC suggests hard line on FONAR filings

April 27, 2018 (15:03) European Commission emissions IMO

Sulphur: draft port state control position suggests bad weather is no excuse for non-compliant fuel

April 27, 2018 (14:41) European Commission emissions IMO

Industry warnings of low-sulphur fuel cargo loss were unfounded: EC

April 25, 2018 (12:20) European Commission emissions sulphur

EC Commissioner expected to back IMO CO2 deal

April 23, 2018 (13:53) European Commission emissions IMO

LNG as fuel, once DG MOVE's poster child, loses its lustre

April 18, 2018 (12:03) European Commission emissions sulphur
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