articles (411-420 / 1015)

T&E defends IMO speed limits submission after claim it 'doesn't tackle inefficient ships'

September 13, 2018 (12:59) emissions IMO T&E

Maersk overcomes scrubber doubts with decision to buy units for 'a limited number of vessels'

September 11, 2018 (14:20) emissions sulphur Maersk

EC still aiming to publish MRV alignment legislation

September 11, 2018 (13:53) emissions MRV

IMO to consider opening up to greater media scrutiny

September 5, 2018 (16:02) emissions IMO Cook Islands

Sulphur: Greek owners applaud IMO push for consideration of 'safety implications' of 2020 fuel switch

July 16, 2018 (15:43) emissions sulphur MEPC

Green lobby targets Carnival over heavy fuel oil use

July 9, 2018 (11:28) emissions sulphur Carnival

CO2 emissions: owners wary of any move towards hard speed limit

June 29, 2018 (12:03) emissions IMO AIS

Shipowners warn of loss of propulsion due to global sulphur cap (as they did in 2014)

June 20, 2018 (12:15) emissions IMO sulphur

EC competency claim over IMO greenhouse gas emissions policy rejected by 14 EU Member States

June 18, 2018 (13:30) European Commission emissions IMO

Greek owners call for easing of CO2 reduction targets

June 8, 2018 (14:58) emissions IMO Union of Greek Sh...
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