articles (341-350 / 1013)

Cruise industry sees e-fuels as solution to soiled image

November 14, 2019 (11:35) emissions cruise

CO2 emissions: Greek push failed to sink EU plan to publish individual ship data

November 13, 2019 (14:38) European Commission emissions IMO

Emissions: EU pushing Russia towards maritime CO2 clampdown; sulphur enforcement passage redacted

November 10, 2019 (14:08) emissions Russia MRV

More than 200 delegates expected for key IMO greenhouse gas meeting

November 3, 2019 (11:44) emissions IMO

'Cargo carried' to be compulsory MRV requirement if EU Member States get their way

October 28, 2019 (16:14) emissions IMO MRV

EC to review shoreside electricity capacity

October 23, 2019 (16:53) European Commission emissions Violeta Bulc

EC greenhouse gas report set for publication

October 22, 2019 (15:38) European Commission emissions MRV

CO2: Greek owners want to force speed limits on charterers

October 16, 2019 (11:23) emissions IMO Greece

Brussels shoreside electricity push will be limited by infrastructure

October 14, 2019 (16:46) emissions ports LNG

EC plan to 'force' ships to use shoreside electricity

October 10, 2019 (14:32) European Commission emissions cruise
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