articles (181-190 / 1013)

*updated* ECSA chair Claes Berglund: 'We have to live with EU emissions laws'

November 11, 2021 (13:02) emissions ecsa

FuelEU: industry lobbyists line up at door of newly appointed European Parliament negotiator

November 10, 2021 (13:58) emissions FuelEU Jörgen Warborn

IMO: court test for EC plan to elbow out national government greenhouse gas submissions

November 8, 2021 (15:51) European Commission emissions IMO

Onshore power supply: supply and demand imbalance risk from diverging EU proposals

October 25, 2021 (16:10) emissions ports FuelEU

Emissions trading: 'ocean fund' battle unites an otherwise divided industry

Owners paying premium for 'dual-fuel ready' newbuilds without notion of what future fuels will look like

October 21, 2021 (15:22) emissions

Emissions: EC pushing well-to-wake in IMO, but not in some of its own greenhouse gas laws

October 19, 2021 (10:43) emissions IMO LNG

Emissions trading: climate laggards Saudi Arabia, China leave Brussels with 'no confidence' in global scheme

October 13, 2021 (16:01) European Commission emissions DG CLIMA

Emissions trading: modal backshift worries return

October 11, 2021 (14:55) emissions

Technology driving accelerated vessel depreciation

October 8, 2021 (12:43) emissions Grimaldi
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