articles (161-169 / 169)

'Greek complaint' led to Philippines STCW de-recognition warning

ThyssenKrupp in court over Hellenic Shipyards state aid challenge

European Court confirms right of Member States to impose prior notification schemes on cabotage services

May 16, 2011 (15:33) state aid European Court of... Greece

Greek shipowners descend on Brussels

Greek port security worries European cruise operators

March 11, 2011 (13:15) cruise Greece ISPS

Greek U-turn on Hellenic Register approved at COSS

March 1, 2011 (16:38) EMSA classification Greece

Siim Kallas unaware of Greek cabotage restrictions

March 1, 2011 (16:27) European Commission Greece siim kallas

Greece pursued in court over master nationality restrictions

March 1, 2011 (16:24) seafaring European Court of... Greece

Maritime passenger rights countdown begins

March 1, 2011 (12:48) European Council passenger shipping Italy
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