articles (131-140 / 169)

Sulphur fuels: repeat offenders targeted under new legislation

May 23, 2012 (17:31) emissions ports European Parliament

EXCLUSIVE: European Commission warns Italy, Germany, Spain over solo IMO submissions

Greek euro exit: would shipowners benefit?

May 16, 2012 (10:49) Greece Union of Greek Sh...

Brussels drops court threats against Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia, Finland, UK

Brussels inspectors descend on Italy, Greece after ferry, cruise overcrowding complaints

Will elections restore Greek register?

April 19, 2012 (09:35) Greece Malta Liberia

Anek Lines rejects accusations old ferry is 'wet coffin'

Brussels casts doubt on Greece's retroactive charter tax

March 20, 2012 (14:25) European Parliament taxation Greece

Hellenic Shipyards ordered to pay costs after failed state aid challenge

March 16, 2012 (12:03) state aid shipbuilding Greece

EXCLUSIVE: Greek shipowner flags out over piracy

March 13, 2012 (11:59) Greece piracy EU Navfor
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