articles (101-110 / 356)

Liner shipping: US-China-Brussels regulatory meeting highlighted differences more than common ground; US ports now saturated

July 1, 2015 (14:29) European Commission ports DG COMP

Regulators from China, US, EU meet in Brussels, discuss port congestion

June 18, 2015 (17:19) European Commission ports DG COMP

Spanish yards use Kroes letter to challenge EC recovery order; court refuses ECSA request to intervene

June 10, 2015 (16:34) European Commission state aid DG COMP

Brussels orders Euro 290 million recovery from Portuguese yard ENVC, spares new operator

May 8, 2015 (14:36) European Commission state aid DG COMP

DG COMP confirms date for second global maritime regulatory summit

Aid approved for Germany's Wismar, Dutch port of Lauwersoog

May 6, 2015 (10:15) European Commission ports state aid

Ports services: first Euro MPs call for rejection as rapporteur seeks major draft deletion

May 5, 2015 (12:49) ports state aid European Parliament

Ports: Commissioner Vestager confirms no change to EU state aid rules

April 30, 2015 (11:36) European Commission ports state aid

ECSA pushing for lifting of tonnage tax time-charter limit without EU flag requirements

April 28, 2015 (14:44) European Commission DG COMP taxation

French owners ask government for tonnage tax guarantees

April 28, 2015 (13:09) European Commission DG COMP taxation
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