articles (91-100 / 1013)
Liner lobby calls for incentives for e-fuels ahead of FuelEU trilogue
Emissions trading: will switch from 'vessel' to 'company' compliance put entire fleets at detention risk?
Emissions trading: chance of global deal now remote as EU drops IMO alignment goal
Emissions trading: law-makers plan to ease access to innovation fund
EU maritime emissions trading to begin in 2024
ETS: methane 'set for inclusion'; institutions split on entry-into-force date
Emissions trading: owners repeat call for life-cycle analysis inclusion, though position is not unanimous
Emissions trading: Felixstowe could benefit from diverted transhipment traffic despite EU safeguards
Alternative fuels: EU negotiations on bunkering facilities questioned 'sustainability' of LNG
Global fuel standard: EU suggests non-compliant operators could buy 'remedial units'
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