articles (1-10 / 126)

Russia sanctions: 1,300 transhipment boxes 'blocked by Customs' in Antwerp

March 18, 2022 (10:27) sanctions war customs

Drug-trafficking: EU Customs authorities focus on consolidated box shipments

March 9, 2022 (15:10) customs Portugal

Single window: stream of delegated acts to appear from this month

August 3, 2021 (13:25) European Commission customs single window

Brexit: Customs duties on UK-made cars 'up to 6% of value' in the absence of a deal

December 10, 2020 (16:54) UK Brexit customs

Brexit: EU single Customs window could impose formalities on GB-Northern Ireland trade

December 1, 2020 (12:52) UK Brexit customs

Brexit: EC rushes through entry summary declaration legislation

November 25, 2020 (13:09) European Commission Brexit customs

EU modifies requirements for animal origin shipments to facilitate post-Brexit trade

November 3, 2020 (14:34) Brexit customs

Brexit: UK counting on staggered border controls, Customs infrastructure subsidies, to alleviate chokepoints

October 5, 2020 (14:34) ports state aid UK

Brexit: Customs back in the spotlight less than six months from transitional agreement expiry

July 15, 2020 (16:12) UK Brexit customs

Brexit: UK Customs 'could not cope' with no-deal surge in declarations

October 7, 2019 (10:14) UK Brexit customs
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